20 Cartoons About Old Age Humor That Will Make You Laugh

When it comes to humorously depicting the joys of aging there is nobody quite as cozy as Grandma Lily. A kindly elderly lady with wild untidy silvery hair, two large glasses that make her eyes look like glittering beads, and a toothy smile, Grandma Lily can easily be now described as a cartoon character who has found her place in humor. Her simple, endearing and seemingly familiar illustrations depict life episodes and transform them into delights to chuckle about. This article samples twenty of her most humorous cartoons that have a message on the humorous side of aging.

Old Age Humor

Lily’s cartoons may be tender-hearted and quirky, but their topics nevertheless always revolve around the funniest aspects of aging. The most successful one of them depicts Grandma Lily running around the house in search of her glasses only to find them on her own nose. This has a certain comedic appeal to people since this does unfortunately sum up one of the issues of growing older. Grandma Lily effectively uses such examples so that people would not get irritated by mentioning small peculiarities of elderly people saying that such moments are not a problem at all but a wonderful twist that can be hardly observed in young people.

The second common topic in the work of Grandma Lily is the funny situations connected with technology. In one cartoon she is depicted as a clumsy woman who has a hard time in handling her Smartphone, she sends a message to her daughter, but it reaches the whole group. This scenario gives the generation gap in technology use and brings out the humor in misunderstanding in this generation. The comedy lessons provided by Grandma Lily not only make people laugh but also introduce feelings of reassurance to people who are struggling to cope with continually accelerating rates of innovation.

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#1. Let’s see who can go higher

#2. Can I play a game on your phone?

#3. Please send me a dream

#4. Use a whole letter words

#5. It also shows the strength

#6. I have some new ideas

Apart from her messages about technology, Grandma Lily also illustrated the themes of social relations in her cartoons. Amongst the many hilarious scenes one of the best captures her going to a neighbor’s dinner party where she takes a salad for desert. The confusion as well as the surprise on the faces of the other members in the apartment complex is something that most communities – albeit sometime unceremoniously – experience. These stories make Grandma Lily commented on the importance of togetherness and shows that being able to find or share laughter can effectively get across from one generation to another.

#7. They look better on him then on me

#8. I do not do miracles

#9. Planning to be productive

#10. Never too late

#11. Born to be full of magic

#12. One trip challenge

The appeal of, or reason why people prefer, cartoons developed by Grandma Lily is that they are real. All of the cartoons show a real life situation depicted humorously; from the names of reunion to searching for a parking space in a shopping mall. In one of the cartoons Grandma Lily is depicted struggling to recall the name of the supermarket; her memory is instead, being checked through a “senior moments” checklist. In doing so she is able to make people who hear her speech notice these issues and then introduce humor in their everyday life.

#13. Make my dream a real one

#14. Want to do nothing

#15. Dream do come true if you want it enough

#16. Don’t lose your shoe

#17. Let’s go and cause some trouble

#18. Friends and Mischief

What most clearly differentiates Grandma Lily from other cartoonists is her positivity. They had never got on well, and she realizes that life is full of highs and lows and that’s okay too as long as you take it with a pinch of clear. It’s a great chance for you to dive into Grandma Lily’s fairy-tale cartoons, if you have not done it yet. Read more inspiring and heartwarming stories that make you smile in her collection. Which of Grandma Lily’s cartoons did you find the funniest or which one reflected your childhood the most? As you know, Grandma Lily found value into engaging her audience and your inputs would be useful in sparking the next art pieces she will create. Don’t forget to come back for more fun and comedy comics!

#19. God bless you forever

#20. Rising Prices, Shrinking Bags

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