About Us

FreelancingMania (FM) is a platform to explain online work in the easiest way for everyone. What is freelancing? Can anyone work online to earn money? Are there any specific Information Technology (IT) skills to start your earning? I’m a newbie, how and where I can learn new skills to start freelancing?

The answers to the above questions would be given on FreelancingMania. Here you will not only learn to freelance but also acquire those in-demand skills which will make your life easy in Freelancing.

This platform is basically for you to start your freelancing work. It is your turn to learn this skill and start earning money from your home. You can also join other platforms associated with Freelancing Mania given on top like the official Facebook page and Youtube channel for updates.

It is our goal to provide you with guidelines in the simplest possible way so that a newbie can understand the basics. If a single person starts to earn money by learning anything from this platform, the goal of creating FreelancingMania would be achieved.

Your feedback is an asset for us. Any suggestion or advice is more than welcome. Stay Blessed!!