15+ Humor Side Cartoons Full of Weird Punchlines And Puns

Among life’s struggles and challenges it can be a good way to enjoy it, but life can also be about funny. Laughter lightens the mood, eases stress and can brighten things just a hair. Humor is also something that many artists turn to when trying to share a smile with others, and one particular artist has made it his business to draw cartoons with hilarious old punch lines and brilliant puns. His work not only makes people laugh but think hard about. In this blog let’s go over about it.

Humor Side Cartoons

When we explore about the artist we able to find that he grew up in a family that loved humor. His parents were always good humored, always finding the funny side, and always making jokes, even when times were at their worst. His interest in humor has its roots in this environment where he caught it from an early age. He always loved drawing as a child and gradually, he begun merging jokes, funny perspective and twists in his sketches. By the time he was a teenager, his family encouraged him to follow his passion and by then he had already developed his own strange and sometimes unexpected kind of wit.

His interest in humor grew over the years, and he started creating single panel cartoons packed full of odd punch-lines as well as weird puns. What’s good about his comic style is that it’s pointing at the everyday and giving it an amusing turn. The punchlines often catch readers by surprise helping them laugh out loud, and his characters get into all kinds of unusual situations. Watching his best twenty comics, which we’ve collected in the section below, also makes you laugh.

For More Info: Pinterest

#1. Old enough to know better

#2. That was me

#3. Growing Old

#4. You was not get any milk from there

#5. This is a monster

#6. I want to return my diploma

At the start of his career, he began observing every day situation and thinking of how to twist it funny. The love for drawing and making funny stories grew even stronger, and soon, he made his own style of cartoons that very often feature weird punchlines, and really clever puns. He doesn’t often take normal situations and make them dark, but more like he’ll take a situation and tip it on its head and make it funny, which no one would expect.

#7. It’s not the killer virus

#8. You can take of the netting

#9. I hope you carry protection

#10. Start counting down

#11. It will be fun

#12. Gardening is so much easier

His cartoons are today enjoyed by people of all ages. His humor is of the simplest prevarication with puns and punch lines that are easy to understand, but smart enough for one to think. After all, his family is his biggest inspiration and he often tells how his parents’ sense of humor influenced his job. Through his his art, he hopes to bring some little laughter people’s way and would show that even in the weirdest of situations there is always a funny side.

#13. Too many players were not repairing

#14. It was a fair trade

#15. I thought she was calling

#16. We should wait until married

#17. Not caught a single salmon

#18. Come on It is easy

This is a story of how, growing up in a funny, light-hearted family slowly turned into a cartoonist full of weird humor and punchlines. His fun with words, always having some odd twist and perfect pun, keeps his readers’ tummy chuckling. His work makes us remember that even when life gets strange, we’re gonna have something to laugh about. I hope you people like his journey. For more such type of content, we have provided the links here and here. Before leaving, share the blog with your loved ones.

#19. This is getting awwkard

#20. How news keep them in line

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